almost periodicity - translation to ρωσικά
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  • ετυμολογία

almost periodicity - translation to ρωσικά

Almost-periodic function; Almost periodic functions; Uniformly almost periodic function; Almost-periodic; Almost-periodicity; Almost periodicity; Almost periodic; Uniformly almost periodic; Almost-period; Bohr almost-periodic functions; Bohr almost-periodic function; Weyl almost-periodic functions; Stepanov almost-periodic functions; Besicovitch almost-periodic functions

almost periodicity         


почти периодичность

almost periodic         

общая лексика


uniformly almost periodic         
равномерно почти периодический


·noun The quality or state of being periodical, or regularly recurrent; as, the periodicity in the vital phenomena of plants.


Almost periodic function

In mathematics, an almost periodic function is, loosely speaking, a function of a real number that is periodic to within any desired level of accuracy, given suitably long, well-distributed "almost-periods". The concept was first studied by Harald Bohr and later generalized by Vyacheslav Stepanov, Hermann Weyl and Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch, amongst others. There is also a notion of almost periodic functions on locally compact abelian groups, first studied by John von Neumann.

Almost periodicity is a property of dynamical systems that appear to retrace their paths through phase space, but not exactly. An example would be a planetary system, with planets in orbits moving with periods that are not commensurable (i.e., with a period vector that is not proportional to a vector of integers). A theorem of Kronecker from diophantine approximation can be used to show that any particular configuration that occurs once, will recur to within any specified accuracy: if we wait long enough we can observe the planets all return to within a second of arc to the positions they once were in.

Μετάφραση του &#39almost periodicity&#39 σε Ρωσικά